Wolf Money(躺平 lying flat)
I was having lunch with my friend yesterday when he mentioned about the phrase. It has become such a big movement in China that Chinese government decided to ban the word 躺平 on internet for fear of young people giving up hope of working hard for the betterment of themselves and country. Young people in China exhausted by a culture of hard work with seemingly little reward are highlighting the need for a lifestyle change by "lying flat". There is a growing trend of social underclass among young adult. Young adult around the world especially those working in big cites are resign to their destiny even if they work hard for a zillion years, they can never afford the house and nice thing in life with money they earned. They have little wage left over at the end of the month after paying rent and daily expenses. The yellow umbrella movement in HK started by young people has the same sort of angst. A lot of young people can’t see a future. I am sympathetic with situation face by man...