Wolf Money(book recommendation)

“ Half Time” changing your game plan from success to significance by Bob Buford is a thought provoking book handed down to me by a friend of mine. Thank you for the kind gesture, Dalip. This is a book everyone should take a moment to read. It might just change your prospective towards life. The author described what life he envisaged in the second half vs what he did during his first. Imagine what if sweet smell of success is not as sweet anymore. Closing a big deal, achieving record earning for the company didn’t bring him as much joy and satisfaction. In some way, he was suffering from a bit of that mid life crisis when he was at the top of his game as a successful cable tv entrepreneur.

In the first half, He was a highly successful business owner in his field of cable tv. He made a good career and in process reaping the rewards for all the nice trimmings which you will normally associate with a good life. A successful career, nice house and luxury cars. In his second half, he diverted his time and effort into church works and founded a couple of non profit organisations. He personally define second half as a person reaching a minestrone in their business or career, readily to jump off his comfort zone to trying something new. If I put it in my simple definition, One can associate half time to a person at their 40s given most men or female have an average life expectancy of 83-86 years. What do you do next in the second half of your life? Do you continue to chase money? As Buffett famous quote put it, life doesn’t change much when you have 10m at the start of the year and end the year with 11m. I have to quantify money is important, the book didn’t suggest going cold turkey and giving up everything you had the very next day upon reaching your half time. It is all about having the right balance in work and spiritual fulfilment. If one had been neglecting family due to work commitments, it maybe good to recalibrate the time spent on work. If one is seeking a more spiritual way of life, going to the church to serve a wider community is another idea to be more fulfilling and purposeful. Taking up a hobby, learning a new skill or joining an interest group can be another consideration.

Although most of us can’t be the movers and shakers of the world. We can definitely make a positive impact in our small community of friends and family. As the book rightly mention a football match is won in the second half of the game. It doesn’t matters what you do in the first half, it is what you do in second half that win you the game of life. The most important factor best described by Nike slogan “Just do it”. Too many people in the author’s view lack the courage to chart a new course even thou they are constantly reminded by that little voice in themselves to do something else better. Most are trap in a lifeless routine, living in someone else’s dogma. There are also some practical advices on how one can transit into their new role as a second half player.

There are many highlights which it is impossible for me to mention in a short book review. I would end my review with Mr. Lee Kuan Yew famous words "There is a glorious rainbow that beckons those with a spirit of adventure," he said. "To the young and not-too-old I say, look at the horizon, find that rainbow, go ride it." 

The book goes onto Lone Wolf book recommendation for its thought provoking and inspiring contents.

(Sigmoid curve by Charles Handy, hop onto another curve before the current one goes into decline)

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