
Wolf Money(Portfolio update for end June 2024)long post

  (Image credit: Falling local population This topic is quite contradicting. On one hand, we have an increase in the overall population, but our local population is stagnating. It is no longer a secret, Singaporeans are no longer reproducing enough to replace ourselves. Although starting a family and having kids is a personal choice. A big part of the decision is financial considerations. With Singaporeans grappling with the high cost of living and high mortgage rates, pro-creation has become a back burner for some couples. Generous financial incentives should be increased to solve the national problem.  1.) Free HDB flat for 3 kids or more The main pain point is having a roof to house everyone. A five-room flat in a nice area costs $1m. Maybe the government can consider taking over the mortgages of those households with 3 or more children. With mortgages taken care of, money could be channeled towards paying for education and other expenses associated with raising a child.

Wolf Money(Great Eastern Holdings sold)

  I have eliminated my holdings in Great Eastern by doing an open market sale. I am more than happy for the person who bought the shares to have a go on achieving fair value. At least, I didn’t accept OCBC’s offer. I find it quite bothersome to be dealing with OCBC, quibbling over a few dollars. I will be rooting those fighting for higher price. Lone Wolf Fund achieved a return of 41% with dividend included over the course of 3.5 months holding period. A portion of my gains will go to some charity organisations which I support, thanking them for doing God’s work. God bless. Please consider following us on telegram for the latest update on Lone Wolf investor by clicking on the link below. No form filling, no payment required, no collection of data, no data mining, no hard selling, no obligation. Disclaimers   All investments is highly speculative in nature and involves substantial risk of loss. We encourage our reader to invest very carefully. We

Wolf Money(Singapore Savings Bonds July 2024 result)

  (Source: MAS) This month result is quite pleasantly surprising. The allocation was much bigger than my estimate. Applications with $59,000 or less get full allocation. With a small group of slightly over 10% getting an additional $500 for $59,500 and above. I got full allocation for this month SSBs, in process bumping up the overall average interest I am getting over the next 10 years. God bless. Please consider following us on telegram for the latest update on Lone Wolf investor by clicking on the link below. No form filling, no payment required, no collection of data, no data mining, no hard selling, no obligation. Disclaimers   All investments is highly speculative in nature and involves substantial risk of loss. We encourage our reader to invest very carefully. We also encourage reader to get personal advice from your professional investment advisor and to make independent investigations before acting on information that we publish. Much of

Wolf Money(world market review 17-23 Jun 2024)

  (St. Andrew Cathedral@City Hall)   Market Summary 17-23 Jun 2024 *USA*  -US budget deficit will jump to US$1.915 trillion for fiscal 2024, topping last yr’s US$1.695 trillion, largest outside Covid-19 era  -US current account deficit up by US$15.8bn to US$237.6bn in Q1, equivalent to 3.4% of GDP, highest in 7 qtrs  -US retail sales rose 0.1% MoM vs 0.3% consensus; April was revised to 0.2% contraction rather than 0% initially reported  -US job market shows signs of cooling, initial jobless claims eased by 5000 to 238,000, close to 10-mth high  + US manufacturing production surged 0.9% in May following a downwardly revised 0.4% drop in Apr + US business inventories rebounded 0.3% in Apr after dipping 0.1% in Mar  -US equity funds witnessed outflows for 2nd successive week, offloaded net US$8.37bn following US$21.54bn previous wk  -US existing home sales fell for 3rd straight mth in May, record high prices, rising mortgage rates depress home sales  + US existing home sales fell 0.7% in

Wolf Money(Singapore Savings Bonds July 2024 review)

  (Source: MAS website) July SSBs come with quite a nice yield of 3.3%. Days of 3.3%-3.4% yield might be numbered given the downtrend in UST 10 years yield. Next month yield on SSBs will be lower than this month given the collapse of our SGS 10 years yield. I am expecting more competition for this month SSBs. I will be doing a roll over of my lower yield SSBs to the current month SSBs. Closing date for application falls on the 25th June@9pm. Thank you. God bless. 🙏 Please consider following us on telegram for the latest update on Lone Wolf investor by clicking on the link below. No form filling, no payment required, no collection of data, no data mining, no hard selling, no obligation. Disclaimers   All investments is highly speculative in nature and involves substantial risk of loss. We encourage our reader to invest very carefully. We also encourage reader to get personal advice from your professional investment advisor and to make independent

Wolf Money(world market review 10-16 Jun 2024)

  (Image credit:; Wishing all celebrating this joyous occasion, Selamat Hari Raya Haji) Market Summary 10-16 Jun 2024 *USA*  + Fed leaves policy rate unchanged, scale back to one rate cut in 2024  + US annual inflation at 3.3% in May, compared to 3.4% in Apr  -US producer price index (PPI) fell 0.2% in May compared to Apr + US import prices dropped 0.4% in May, first decline in 5 mths, up 1.1% YoY  -US Uni Michigan consumer sentiment fell 5.1% for 3rd straight mth to 65.6 in Jun, lowest since Nov  -US initial jobless claims up by 13,000 to 242,000  + Nasdaq expects more China IPOs despite geopolitical frictions: exchange official  -US equity funds saw largest weekly outflow in 18 mths ahead of Fed decision  -US home sales in May fell to among the lowest levels in the past decade, both demand and supply remained sluggish in high mortgage rate environment: Redfin  + US mortgage applications up 15.6% in week ending Jun 7 + US executive pay rises at fastest rate in 14 yrs  + Pe

Wolf Money(The death of the Singapore Stock Market-My view on the final offer for Great Eastern Holdings)

(The Death of the Singapore Stock Market) Great Eastern Holdings(extract from end of month portfolio update) Today we are here to attend the funeral of the Singapore stock market. Besides the low valuation suffered by our market participants, investors of our market have to navigate the complexity of low ball offers from majority shareholders. One would expect a local banking giant to lead as a beacon for good corporate governance. Unfortunately, they have decided to turn a blind eye and join the dark side of the forces, blatantly ignoring the IFA report to pay a fair price for GEH. I could have walked away quietly by accepting the offer for a gain in excess of 40% in 3 months, but I can’t walk away without my conscience pushing me to express my thoughts on this whole takeover saga. I started the journey by supporting Chin Woo. His leadership is top-notch. I think most minority shareholders will agreed, without Chin Woo’s effort, the minority would have been in a much inferior position