Wolf Money(Genting Singapore)
(Image credit: Genting Singapore) The below article is for educational purpose only. Kindly refrain from taking any action. It shouldn’t constitute as an investment advice. Please read the disclaimer . I took a small position in Genting Singapore after the share hits 52 weeks low today. There are a lot of negatives surrounding Genting Singapore. 1.) Casino license renewed for 2 years instead of usual 3 years due to unsatisfactory performance. 2.) Poor Q3 results because of falling tourists numbers into Singapore, primarily Chinese tourists, and the poor win rates. 3.) The huge capex needed for rejuvenation of the RWS Sentosa to a tune of $6.8b over the next 8 years. 4.) Competition from other casinos in the region. I find the entry level attractive given the 5.3% dividend yield, valuations of Genting Singapore has fallen to its lowest level since listing with exception to sharp and short drop during covid to 50c. The stock is trading at less than 1.1x p/b which compar...