Wolf Money(portfolio update end July 2022)

Lone Wolf Fund(LWF) Portfolio as at end of July 1.) Cash 2.) Singapore Medical Group(SMG) 3.) Comfortdelgro Corporation(CDG) *Stocks are not rank in accordance to capital invested . *Just for sharing. Not an inducement to buy or sell . Commentary Happy Birthday to my beloved country, Singapore, a place where I call home. If Singapore was a listed company which could be bought and sold like any other securities on the stock exchange, the “Singapore stock” would have made you close to 158x return in 57 years. Singapore GDP per capita started at a mere USD $500 in 1965 had risen to USD 79k by end of 2021. In 1965, a country barely half the size of London with no natural resources and 2m population comprise of mostly the poor and hungry, set out to be a new country with huge odd stacked against us. Our pioneer generation set out the daunting task of creating jobs and attract investments into our country. A miracle was born out of wedlock. The miracle is well documented, I...