Wolf Money(portfolio update end July 2021) long post!
Lone Wolf Fund(LWF) Portfolio as at end of July 2021. 1.) Thai Beverage PCL 2.) Pico Far East (hk.0752) 3.) Cash *Stocks are not rank in accordance to capital invested . *Just for sharing. Not an inducement to buy or sell . Commentary I am testimony of a living dinosaur. Who on earth still write or read such a long blog? Unfortunately I am not good at video making and I was not born with handsome good look to attract millions on Tik Tok. I choose to write because that is one way to express my thought better with my readers. The other ways are through quotes in the press and public speaking which I had done it a couple of times at sgx events during my days as a broker. I hope to convey as much thoughts given it is the only chance of the month to communicate extensively with you. I hope you bear with me for the next 5 mins. What are the similarities between Loki(the marvel super hero) and Covid-19 virus? They are both sneaky and both come with different variants. The cov...