Wolf Money(SBS Transit sold)

Extract from month end review I sold my position in SBS Transit not due to fundamental reason. In contrast, SBS transit might report better earning in q1 2024 with 3 months of full fare increases incorporated into their numbers. The company experienced a 1.6% growth in profit for FY23. Lone Wolf Fund walk away with a small gain from the sale. LWF holds no share in the company. The selling was due largely to the dividend differential compare with other dividend paying companies. There are many dividend stocks yielding more than 6% vs SBS low 4%. SBS Transit didn’t include a special dividend in their latest result in conjunction with their golden jubilee celebration in FY2023. It was the best opportunity to reward your shareholders. There was no increase to their dividend payout ratio, to be inline with CDG and their sister company, Vicom 70% payout. SBS Transit continues to have a low payout ratio of 50%. It was disappointing but I have to accept their difficulty in rewarding shar...